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Thursday, April 16, 2009
♥ 8:04 PM

Assignment 4: Individual Report


Before going to Wuhan, we were told to write out a learning plan, so that we will be able to focus on certain things that we want to learn. I have achieved to find out about the student life in university and the food in china. I also get to know some history and culture of china after going through a few lessons conducted by the lecturers there, which covered the important things and keep us interested to it. To an extent that it’s more than what I expected, it will be a very good experience for me and also help broaden my knowledge.

After interacting with the local students, I find out that some of them do not go home often as their school is very far away from their home, and it’s like four times a year. The hostel that they stay in is not so comfortable compare to the dormitory that we stayed. The living standard is a lot lower compare to Singapore, I find out that they are contented to what they have and will not take things for granted. During their free time, many of the local students will spend their time wisely to revise on their work in the library or at other places and they also manage their time well. During some tours and some outings, we get to go to different places and try out many delicious foods that we might not find it in Singapore. The food there are delicious and much cheaper, you do not have to spend a lot to eat in a restaurant. There was a few times when I wanted to take a taxi back to school with my friends at night but some of the taxi drivers were unwilling to drive us, I heard that some of the taxi drivers are afraid that we might robbed them as the way back to our school is quite far and quiet. Hence, it’s hard to get a taxi sometimes if it’s too late. There are some places where we went, I saw rubbish all around the floor, people still litter although there is a dustbin not far away from them.

Through interactions with local students and to ask people around, it has helped me to achieve my objectives in this trip. Sometimes when I went out with some friends, there are some places that we are not familiar with or things I’m curious of, I will ask people for direction or even ask the local students so as to clear my doubts.


We went for two industrial visits, one of them is the Wuhan Steel and Iron Corporation and the other is Yangtze Optics and Cable Company. We had a brief introduction of the industries and we were brought to see the how it is being process. There were less manpower, most of the work are done by machines which will be more efficient. However, we were not allowed to take any photos when we enter the process area as it was to keep it confidential. We also went to quite a few attractions in different places and a Museum. We get to take photos of the beautiful scenery and know more about the places we visited. We were brought to the Hubei Provincial Museum, it was very big and were not enough time to go round the whole place. We get to see many antiques and weapons that were used in the past and also explain on the things that we saw.

3.) Review of the inquiry questions.

Would it be safe living in Wuhan?

I think that it is that very safe in Wuhan, we have to keep a look out to our belongings every time when we go out. There was once I was taking a bus with a friend, the bus was so packed and someone tried to steal my friend wallet from his pocket. So, I always put my valuables in a pouch and place it in front of me so that to prevent my things from stolen.

What is the difference between student life in Singapore and in Wuhan?

The students in china will manage their time well, the library is always so crowded with people doing their self studies during their free time. I also went to the library once with the local students and I find it very conducive to study there.

What type of food can I find in China?

The food in China is very salty and also very oily, I only get use to it after few days later. As the weather there is cold, many people in China like food that is very spicy.

How is the cleanliness in China?

When I go outside for dinner, I always see rubbish lying all around the floor. People will still litter although there is a dustbin there, and I find it a very bad habit. There rubbish is left on the ground until the next morning and someone will come and clean it away. However, there are still some places where it is very clean.

How are the people there?

I find most of the people there quite friendly and some are hardworking too.


The three global skills that I would want to improve are communication skills, tolerance and willingness to take initiative. I have improved on my communication skills after this trip, I find that I’m able to communicate well with the local students as we were told to interact with them. Sometimes there are some misunderstandings with my friends, but we will each take a step back and to talk nicely to get things done, I still hope to improve more in my tolerance. Lastly, I did improve on willingness to take initiative. As a group, I find our course united and we cooperate with our teacher in charge well. All of us will take our initiative to help each other.


♥ 6:48 PM

Photo Essay: My Trip to Wuhan


♥ 12:36 PM

Intercultural Readiness Self Assessment

The first column itemizes personal characteristics that are helpful for cross-cultural interactions. Evaluate your own current intercultural readiness on a scale of 1-100.Also set a target for graduation day. Do this honestly and intuitively.



Current self estimate Score 1-100: 55
Target after the trip Score 1-100: 80

Comment and/or learning strategy:

The first time when I went out of the campus for dinner, I saw many rubbish and people spitting on the ground. I felt very dirty and unhygienic to see this happening, but after few weeks in china, I slowly get used to these places. However, I wouldn’t to that.


Current self estimate Score 1-100: 90
Target after the trip Score 1-100: 90

Comment and/or learning strategy:

Respect for other beliefs is important, we should respect others in order to gain respect from others.


Current self estimate Score 1-100: 70
Target after the trip Score 1-100: 85

Comment and/or learning strategy:

In this trip, the local students will bring us out to play as we are not sure with the places here. I gain trust in them, but it is still important that we be alert at all times.


Current self estimate Score 1-100: 75
Target after the trip Score 1-100: 85

Comment and/or learning strategy:

At first I might feel discomfort to the new environment. But slowly, I try to adapt to the environment. When you try adapting to it, you will less discomfort.


Current self estimate Score 1-100: 55
Target after the trip Score 1-100: 60

Comment and/or learning strategy:

Sometime, we might be in a situation where we are not expected of it. But it is always important that we think carefully before reacting to it.


Current self estimate Score 1-100: 85

Target after the trip Score 1-100: 85

Comment and/or learning strategy:

Everyone patience have a limit, it’s a matter of high or low. My patience is quite good, but it will be better for me to improve.


Current self estimate Score 1-100: 80
Target after the trip Score 1-100: 90

Comment and/or learning strategy:

In this trip, sense of control such as financial control is important. We should spend what we could afford and not over spend it.


Current self estimate Score 1-100: 60
Target after the trip Score 1-100: 75

Comment and/or learning strategy:

I’m not very good in social communication. In this trip, I get to interact with local students and I think I have improved in my communication, but there’s still room for improvement.


Current self estimate Score 1-100: 60
Target after the trip Score 1-100: 70

Comment and/or learning strategy:

I will go forward to help out with my friends or lecturers if they needed help. But sometimes when I’m a bit lazy, I will just sit there and do nothing about it.


Current self estimate Score 1-100: 70
Target after the trip Score 1-100: 80

Comment and/or learning strategy:

I will try out new things to experience it myself. Our lecturers will let us go out to explore by ourselves. But it is important that we take note of our safety.


Current self estimate Score 1-100: 50

Target after the trip Score 1-100: 50

Comment and/or learning strategy:

I’m not good in sense of humor, as I’m entertained by my friends most of the time.


Current self estimate Score 1-100: 50
Target after the trip Score 1-100: 60

Comment and/or learning strategy:

Different country, have different cultures. I will ask the local people in china if I’m curious of any happening that I saw.


Current self estimate Score 1-100: 65
Target after the trip Score 1-100: 85

Comment and/or learning strategy:

Sometimes when going out, I will ask for direction if I’m not sure about it. For the first time, I also try to interact with local students as part of this trip.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009
♥ 2:38 PM

Yesterday was my last day in china, we set off early in the morning to the airport. Some of the local students came to send us off, was such a sad moment at the point of time when the bus started to move off. When i got up the bus, i fall asleep as I did not slept the last night and was feeling so shag. The ride to the airport was quite fast, we took a flight from Wuhan to Guangzhou for transit and back to Singapore. I was sleeping throughout the flight back to Singapore. By the time when we arrive at Singapore, it was already 11.25pm. My parents came to fetch me, was feeling rather weird when i reach Singapore. It might be because i have already adapt to the environment in China and i miss my friends there.

It was a good experience for me, i have make many new friends and also learn my things. Although this trip is a little too short, but it will be very memorable for me.


Monday, April 13, 2009
♥ 11:37 PM

Went to Guang Ba Lu and then went to Guang gu to see if there's any more things to buy, and i have to rush back to school at 1pm to buy some refreshments for today closing ceremony at 5.30pm. We went to the super mart located opposite our school and bought some food and drinks back to the place where we will be conducting the closing ceremony. We gather at the school gate and took some photos together.
At around 6pm, some of the teachers gave a short speech and we play some games with the local students and we also took some photos. At 7.30pm, we move out of the building and we play with the fireworks that Mr Ma had bought. Everyone was enjoying the fireworks and it lasted for about 10 minutes. It was very exciting as we do not get to put fireworks in Singapore. After that, me and dave treat some of the local students to the fishball restruant to have our dinner.


Sunday, April 12, 2009
♥ 9:09 PM

Set off to Hankou at 8.30am in the morning, was feeling a little tired but will still endure for shopping. hahas. Sherry brought me to Han Zhen Jie to shop first, that is the place where many shop owners will get the stock from the suppliers there. You can get clothes and shoes at a very cheap price than you get from a shopping centre, but some of the materials are not so durable. So, we headed to Bu Xing Jie and the ATM shopping centre where i could get all the stuff that i want there. I search for the shoes that i wanted but there wasn't my size, so was feeling down. But after going to a few shops, i saw a shirt that i wanted to buy earlier on at the other shopping mall which they do not have my size. Was feeling quite happy after getting that shirt and was still thinking of the shoes that i wanted. In the end, I requested to go to the ATM shopping centre at the Shi Men Kou and we took a bus down to look for my shoes. There were much more designs there, so i bought 5 pairs of shoes and 2 of them was for my brothers. Was so thankful to her for accompanying to shop for the whole day, so treated her to the steak restaurant for dinner before we go back to school.


Saturday, April 11, 2009
♥ 9:23 PM

Was feeling rather sleepy today, slept until very late and went for early lunch with Shao Ming at the nearest canteen. After that, we went back to our dormitory and started playing dynasty warriors again. We spend few hours playing it as we were feeling quite bored, the games consist many stages for us to clear. I was supposed to get myself prepare and meet some of the local students for steamboat, but I almost forgot about the time. I went for a quick bath and Dave came up to my dormitory to call me, but was still on time to meet up with the local studies at the main gate. We took a mini van as the local students wanted to give us a treat to steamboat that they recommend. Many thanks to Wen Si, Sherry & Sally for the treat. This were just few snap shots taken when they were eating, so damn funny.....

she eats ALOT......

It's nice interacting with the local students and becoming friends with them.


Friday, April 10, 2009
♥ 10:28 PM

I did my own revision and get myself prepare while waiting for Sherry to end her class. There wasn't too much time, so we decided to go Guang Gu to shop. There were many shops where I have not been to, but the things sold there wasn't what i wanted. We had dinner early dinner at pizzahut, and we order some side dishes, a pizza and some desserts. The wings that was recommend by Sherry was very crispy and delicious, it wasn't very expensive and we really enjoyed it. After that, we took a bus down to Guang Bu Tun, just hope that i could buy some clothes that is nice. But eventually, there wasn't any. I felt quite disappointed not getting anything before going back.


Thursday, April 9, 2009
♥ 7:18 PM

Woke up late today, had my breakfast and lunch in a meal. I still felt very tired, maybe it's because that I have shopped too much the other day. Met up with sherry and chatted with her until about 1pm, and didn't plan what am I going to do for the rest of today. So, went back to my dormitory and in the end I played dynasty warriors for the whole day with Shao Ming. There's many of them went to Guang Bu Tun, but I didn't follow them as there are nothing that I want to buy from that place.

I felt a day wasted, I didn't do anything meaningful.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009
♥ 8:03 PM

I had a great sleep today, woke up at 8am and prepared myself for my mini project interview at 10am. As it was still early, I run through my program and make sure that everything was going fine. I went down to the class with Shao Ming to wait for our turn for the interview, I went there and see how some of my friends are being interview. Basically, we just explained what’s the use of our program is and run the program for our lecturer to see. The interview was a quick one and met up with sherry for early lunch at canteen 2. We chatted for some time and she went for her afternoon class after that. I spend the rest of my time to do my IS in my dormitory with my group members.


Monday, April 6, 2009
♥ 11:18 PM

Today, there was no one in the dormitory except ShaoMing when I woke up. I went to take a quick bath and decide to go to the library to complete my APPG mini project and revise for APPG test which will be on Wednesday. It was my first time that I come to the library in the campus to do my self-study, it is a very conducive environment for students to do their studies. It wasn’t a wasted day today, and I enjoy studying in the library. In the evening, went for dinner with local students before going back to my dormitory. I rest for awhile, and went back to the library to revise my APPG test.

Today when I was studying in the library, I saw many books lying at the sides of the wall. The local students told me that they always leave their books there and no one will take it, as there would not be any used if the person took it. Unlike Singapore, if you were to leave something there for a moment, you might not be able to find it.


Sunday, April 5, 2009
♥ 11:14 PM

Woke up at 11am today, and went for lunch at canteen 2. Was still very tired although I have slept for long hours, maybe it’s because we have shop for too long yesterday. Actually, I was planning to go to the library and does my self-study but I end up playing basketball with some friends. When I go back to my dormitory, I realized that I wasted a day doing nothing meaningful.

Today I had planned to study, but I end up playing basketball. I should be more persevering in what I want to do and not easily influence by other things around me.


Saturday, April 4, 2009
♥ 11:01 PM

I woke up, look out of the window and realized that it was raining in the morning. I went for shower and prepare to meet Sherry and WenSi to shop at HanKou. Dave’s group and PengHoe joined me to shop at Hankou, so we took a bus down to Guang Bu Tun to wait for Sherry to end her class. We took an hour bus ride down to Hankou, most of us took a short nap in the bus. We had our lunch first when we reached there, and then started to shop for clothes and some shoes. We went to one of the shopping malls, there are many shops inside and some of the clothes there are quite nice. While I was looking through some clothes in one of the shops, a polo shirt caught my eyes and I bought it. We also went to the rest of the shopping malls which is located beside, but there wasn’t anything that really caught our eyes, we were just doing some window shopping. We keep doing our shopping and didn’t realize what time is it until the local students were feeling very tired. Before going for dinner, we went to the Adidas shop located at Bu Xing Jie, me and Xin Rong bought a jacket which we have been deciding for a long time. After that, we went to a restaurant to have beef steak for dinner, it was up to standard and it was worth it.


Friday, April 3, 2009
♥ 10:47 PM

Lesson started at 9am today, we were given back on our theory test paper and i score 62marks. I know i didn't much in all my effort as sometime i was slacking in class. There all many of them did well for this paper, which they deserve it. So Mr Ma go through the test paper with us for us do write the the correct answers. Afternoon lesson was cancel, so it's free and easy. I went to have my lunch, then me, Chewy, ZhiHui and XinRong went to the club house to play ping pong. It was so fun, we play for a few hours and we enjoyed it. It was rather relax today, as many days back we were like keep having lessons and we didn't really feel so relax like today.

I will have to put in more effort to score better in my next theory test paper. NO PAIN, NO GAIN!!


Thursday, April 2, 2009
♥ 9:21 PM

Today lesson started at 8am, and we will be having lecture for the whole dayof today lesson. Morning lesson was continue of yesterday lecture on history of China, as there are 176 slides in total. We get to learn more about Taoism and other beliefs.Afternoon lesson was about fengshui lecture which was conducted by a teacher, Christopher. We were taught about customs and preparations that are required during a chinese wedding. We were also taught about fengshui where we get to know how our bed should be place and direction of our house and etc. There are five different elements, where each elements have colours that represents it.

I get to know better about the history of China, and also know that many believe that feng shui can help improve our life. However, we can learn more about fengshui through reading or research from the internet. Just now when i was having steamboat for dinner, the shop was doing some driling on the walls on that time. I find that they do not think for their customers, and the service wasn't very good.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009
♥ 10:03 PM

Today we have lecture at 8am in the morning, i was still feeling very sleepy in the morning. The lecture was about China history, and there was so many slides. But it finally ends after 2 hours, went for early lunch and went back to dormitory to take a nap. Went back to class at 2pm for lesson, we were given the whole afternoon lesson to write as much for the summary of the lecture this morning. After class end, went to play basketball with some of my friends till around 8pm and had my dinner out of campus.